Like what you’ve read here? You can help us continue by supporting us in a number of ways.

Image by Carlos A. Martínez
Guerrilla Translation has existed so far (since April 2013) without any outside financial investment in our development or the production of our web-magazine and its contents, consisting of both translated and original material. All Guerrilla Translation content was selected for translation by members of our cooperative, and produced pro-bono (at no cost to the original author or content creator). But rather than being a purely voluntary effort, each translation is valued at the same rate as we’d charge a paying client, and that value is attributed to the members who worked to produce the final piece – including the translator, editor and proofreader, as well as those who provided organizational and management support. Each translation takes many hours of effort in several stages – translation, editing and proofreading, formatting for wordpress including photo selection, translation of author biography, social media posting…and more. So far, we have produced roughly 100 pro-bono translations.
Your donation goes toward fulfilling the open pro-bono account for all our work, and is GREATLY APPRECIATED.
One-time donations
Of course we accept and are grateful for your donations. You can select from among the following methods of donation:
Bank transfer (contact us for details)
PayPal (click on the button below and select your amount)
Faircoin (via FairCoop’s Coopfunding campaign. Donate to the Commons Fund )
Another way to ensure our ongoing ongoingness, and to feel like an absolutely magnanimous benefactor in the process, is to offer us your patronage in the form of a monthly stipend. We have not financed our project via venture capital, so we have retained both independence and shoestring operational costs as a result. However, as we have recently grown up a little and created these two separate language-specific websites, we have incurred some new costs. More importantly, the pro-bono work is valued in such a way that a portion of any income we may derive from our nascent agency side is allocated to fulfilling that value. It doesn’t take a math major to realize that our pro-bono side will always be largely unpaid, unless our readers and supporters begin to help us balance that out. Please consider any amount that you feel is comfortable to contribute on a regular basis and help us continue to do the best work we can.
Donations of goods or services
Would you be more interested in providing us material support in some way other than direct financial donations? Or do you have something you no longer need which we might be able to use?
If you wanted to make a direct payment for any of our ongoing or occasional expenses, please contact us. Additionally, if you’re located in Spain and you have working equipment that you’d prefer to donate such as computers, monitors, laptops, printers, external data storage disks or removable USB devices, headphone/microphones, any peripherals… please let us know, we’d be glad to accept anything in working condition which we lack.

“Donate” widget image adapted from an original by Sirkles
Promoting us
We welcome your support in other forms as well, including sharing our work through your social media channels as a supporter. You’re welcome to share links to any of our webmagazine pieces directly, or go to our Facebook, Twitter and Youtube account pages and share from there. If you’re operating a website similar to ours in focus and principles, you might also ask about adding our widget to your webpage, or add us to your “links” section – if we feel that our site and yours are a good fit, we’d do the same for you (contact us for details).
If you have any other ideas on how you might like to support Guerrilla Translation, you’re more than welcome to contact us– and don’t forget to subscribe to our page for updates, and to our newsletter (in progress)!