A Charter for Democracy
“One of the most important evolutions of 15-M is undoubtedly the “Movimiento por la Democracia” (Movement for Democracy). It clearly targets the political arena without desiring to become a political party itself”
“One of the most important evolutions of 15-M is undoubtedly the “Movimiento por la Democracia” (Movement for Democracy). It clearly targets the political arena without desiring to become a political party itself”
“To immunize ourselves from learned helplessness, the best thing is to have encountered neither success nor failure exclusively. Be conscious that there are things which we can control, and things which we cannot. As Epicurus remarked: “We must remember that the future is neither wholly ours nor wholly not ours, so that neither must we count upon it as quite certain to come nor despair of it as quite certain not to come…”
“The objective of Spain’s new Citizen Security Law is very simple: to proscribe politics by criminalizing it, and withdrawing anything other than politics by politicians from circulation. This stunted, meager concept of democracy declares that decision-making is the exclusive right of political parties, public opinion the monopoly of experts, and that the sole role of the citizenry is to vote every four years.”