Posts Tagged 'Indigenous'

Where there’s resistance, there’s hope: Recovering linguistic diversity in Latin America

Where there’s resistance, there’s hope: Recovering linguistic diversity in Latin America

When a language dies, ancestral knowledge is lost and the culture begins to disappear. Our human capacity for creativity becomes restricted as we increasingly adopt more homogenous points of view. We begin to lose faculties such as tolerance and the practice finding harmony within diversity. Eventually, we begin to deteriorate as a society.

Colonial commons and the decolonisation of the left

Colonial commons and the decolonisation of the left

As we know, the left has not been exempt from colonialism throughout its history. It has generally remained loyal to the modern Western idea of a historical continuity that aims to showcase Western communities as the most “advanced” in the world. The idea of “colonial commons” proposes that the new commons left is still dragging around this old problem inherited from the old left.

“Economics is not just about money; it’s about our holistic well-being as a planet”

“Economics is not just about money; it’s about our holistic well-being as a planet”

“How a person lives and interacts with others and with nature is called ubuntu. This indigenous knowledge reminds us that we are humans thanks to mother nature. She belongs to us and we belong to her. But we have forgotten who we are and that we have a deep connection to nature.”