Posts Tagged 'Anti-racism'

“Anti-Roma racism is useful for justifying the capitalist system”

“Anti-Roma racism is useful for justifying the capitalist system”

What better argument to justify these pockets of poverty than to say that they’re poor because they want to be that way? Because that’s just how they are. That’s just how they want to be. Anti-Roma racism is actually very useful for justifying that capitalism works. I mean, it leaves the system intact. It’s not that the system couldn’t eradicate poverty, it’s not that there isn’t enough work for everyone; it’s just that the poor are poor because they want to be.

Colonial commons and the decolonisation of the left

Colonial commons and the decolonisation of the left

As we know, the left has not been exempt from colonialism throughout its history. It has generally remained loyal to the modern Western idea of a historical continuity that aims to showcase Western communities as the most “advanced” in the world. The idea of “colonial commons” proposes that the new commons left is still dragging around this old problem inherited from the old left.

Decolonising feminism to change it all

Decolonising feminism to change it all

Feminist resistance must be anti-racist or it is not feminism at all. Of course, as feminists, we are not immune to assuming patriarchal, racist, Eurocentric, classist and transphobic practices, because as activists, we have been socialised, just like everyone else, by a hegemonic, colonial system that rules the western and westernised world. Therefore, in order to eradicate this oppression, we must practice denunciation, reparation and restitution.