Leonidas Martín

Leonidas Martín teaches A/V, New Technologies and Political Art in the Universidad de Barcelona (U.B.), and the Escola Superior de Disseny (ESDI).

All the projects and movements he’s been involved with are as well known among the international art crowd as they are within down and dirty activist circles (Las Agencias, Yomango, Pret a Revolter, New Kids on the Black Block, V de Vivienda, etc.) He regularly contributes writing on art and politics to culture blogs, magazines and newspapers. As a filmmaker, he’s authored documentaries and films for various TV channels. He’s also a member of the agit-culture group Colectivo Enmedio.

Leonidas is also a scriptwriter and a master at the noble art of telling jokes. By his own estimation, this divine gift has been “…put to the test thousands of times, whether to get free beer or escape arrest. I’ll confess, I’ve failed at times, and I’ve lost some friends along the way, but in general I tend to get away with it, and that’s no joke.”

He says if you stumble across his webpage and emerge “stronger, happier, and driven to take the reins of your life”, then for him it’s “mission accomplished”.


Beauty and the Bank

“Her intervention, full of circus and theatre, was a clear show of what each individual is, or could become — a powerful social actor. To achieve this, you need only perform an action similar to hers, a sign, a gesture capable of disrupting the usual programming.” A reflection on Art, Beauty and Glitter-bombing Mario Draghi by Leonidas Martín

Neoliberal Possession

My dear friend, I know what you’re going through. Neoliberalism has you possessed and you don’t know how to get rid of it. If it’s any consolation, let me tell you that you are not alone. Neoliberalism, more than an ideology or a policy, is a demon that has possessed everything. It has possessed the State and all its institutions, the hospitals, the schools, and the workplaces. It has also possessed us. It has taken our bodies, our desires and yearnings, our ideas and dreams. And once possessed, the demon of neoliberalism governs us under its one law: the law of competition.

Beautiful Fences

“It’s a given that movement within city spaces has never been free; architecture and urban design have always directed it. But unlike the fences, bars, and walls that once were used to restrict and channel our mobility, this contemporary urban furniture is all but invisible. And with hardly a change to the landscape, it serves its repressive purpose – or does it one better.”

A call for the World Record of people shouting, “You’ll never own a house in your whole fucking life”

“A call for the World Record we set for the most people shouting, “You’ll never own a house in your whole fucking life” (sadly, Guinness wouldn’t recognize our feat). An event that gathered hundreds and hundreds of people in cities all over Spain to shout, collectively and publicly, what had been experienced until that moment as a personal problem.”

12 Inspired Actions to Outsmart Repressive Situations and Laws

“The objective of Spain’s new Citizen Security Law is very simple: to proscribe politics by criminalizing it, and withdrawing anything other than politics by politicians from circulation. This stunted, meager concept of democracy declares that decision-making is the exclusive right of political parties, public opinion the monopoly of experts, and that the sole role of the citizenry is to vote every four years.”