Daniel Montáñez

Daniel Montañez has a B.A. in Social and Cultural Anthropology from the University of Granada and a Masters and Ph.D. in Latin American Studies from the National Autonomous University of Mexico, where he teaches. He writes regularly for Gara and Ojarasca, La Jornada’s supplement on indigenous affairs, and is the author of Marxismo Negro: Pensamiento Descolonizador de Caribe Anglófono.

Colonial commons and the decolonisation of the left

Colonial commons and the decolonisation of the left

As we know, the left has not been exempt from colonialism throughout its history. It has generally remained loyal to the modern Western idea of a historical continuity that aims to showcase Western communities as the most “advanced” in the world. The idea of “colonial commons” proposes that the new commons left is still dragging around this old problem inherited from the old left.